Politică de confidenţialitate

Protejarea intimității tale este importantă pentru noi. Această Politică de Confidențialitate explică cum Jobatlas colectează, folosește și divulgă această informație personală pe care o pui la dispoziția noastră folosind site-ul - http://www.jobatlas.ro - ("Website-ul).

Vizualizare Informaţii

When you use the Jobatlas site, our servers may collect information indirectly and automatically about your activities while visiting the site, including the web pages you view and the times you view them and information about the browser you are using. We use this browsing information to personalize aspects of your job search experience, for system administration purposes and to improve the Website.

Informaţii personale furnizate de dumneavoastră

You can generally visit our Website without revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself. However, in certain sections of this Website, we may ask you to submit personally identifiable information such as your name and email address. Your personally identifiable information will only be used to deliver certain information or services that you have requested such as job alerts, for system administration purposes and also to improve the Website. In each job alert email we send you, we provide a method to unsubscribe from future emails.

Divulgarea Informaţiilor Personale

Nu divulgăm informaţii personale către terţe părţi în activitatea de zi cu zi, decât în cazul în care dumneavoastră o solicitaţi în mod expres către Website-ul nostru, de exemplu pentru trimiterea aplicaţiei către un recruiter prin Jobatlas sau când vă activaţi CV-ul ca fiind căutabil pentru a putea fi vizualizat de recruiteri. În anumite circumstanţe, totuşi, am putea fi obligaţi prin lege să divulgăm anumite informaţii către guvern sau terţe părţi iar în cazul în care Jobatlas devine parte din altă organizaţie, acea organizaţie va deţine informaţiile cu caracter personal colectate de Jobatlas şi îşi va asuma drepturile şi obligaţiile cu privire la informaţiile dumneavoastră personale aşa cum sunt descrise in Politica de Confidenţialitate.


Jobatlas uses cookies to ensure the proper functioning and efficiency of our Website. Most web browsers enable you to erase cookies from your computer's hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Please be aware, however, that some Jobatlas features or services may not function properly without cookies.

Jobatlas permits third-party cookies on its Website. For example, third-party tools located on the Website, including those that allow for social media sharing, may use cookies to remember user preference settings. Jobatlas also uses web analytics services provided by third parties, which use cookies to collect non-personal information about users' visits to the Website (including IP addresses) and the resources they access on the Website. These third-party web analytics services provide us with reports based on this non-personal information in order to help us understand how visitors engage with our Website. In addition, these third-party web analytics services may share aggregate data with third-party advertising companies to enable interest-based and retargeting advertising services.

Jobatlas uses third-party advertising companies that may place or access cookies on your computer's hard drive to distinguish your web browser uniquely and keep track of information related to serving ads on your web browser, such as the types of ads shown and the web pages on which the ads appeared. These companies may use information about your visits to our Website and to other sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you on our Website or on other, third-party sites. We may also allow third-party advertisers to tailor their advertisements on our Website using demographic and preference information we provide to them in aggregate form. This information does not identify you individually.

The third-party advertising companies used by Jobatlas operate under their own privacy policies and we encourage you to be aware of the privacy policies of such companies. Jobatlas does not have control over or access to any information contained in the cookies that are set on your computer by third-party advertisers.

You may opt-out of Google Advertising Features by visiting the Google Ads Preferences Manager.


Pentru a putea păstra caracterul de confidenţialitate al informaţiilor dumneavoastră personale, Jobatlas implementează măsuri de securitate în funcţie de gradul de sensibilitate al acestora. Totodată, riscurile cu privire la securitate sau intimitate nu pot fi complet eliminate iar Jobatlas nu poate garanta că informaţiile dumneavoastră personale nu vor fi divulgate în moduri nedescrise în această Politică de Confidenţialitate.

Modificări aduse acestei politici de confidenţialitate

Ne rezervăm dreptul de a modifica această politică în orice moment prin trimiterea politicii modificate la adresa de e-mail pe care aţi furnizat-o sau prin postarea politicii modificate pe site-ul nostru.


Pentru întrebări sau sugestii, vă rugăm să ne contactaţi